
General Action Statement

Syntax samples

RESET <file ID>


RESET (Times)


Starts a general read file over from the beginning. RESET is used primarily in the Initialization or Termination logic to reset a general read or write file at the beginning or end of multiple replications and single, independent runs. RESET can also be used to re-read cyclic data in the same simulation run. The parentheses are optional and are included only to insure compatibility with older models.

Valid In

Initialization and termination logic, node entry and exit logic, down-time logic, location processing logic, routing exit, and arrival logic.


<file ID>

The file identifier as defined in the External Files Editor.


The example below shows how a general read file, Times, is reset in the Initialization logic. Each time a simulation begins, whether a single replication or one of several multiple replications, the Times file is reset so that calls to the Times file start at the beginning of the file.



See Also

External Files. Also see READ, WRITE, XWRITE, and RESET.